All posts by teenageobstacles



There are so many types of bullying. For example the ones on the right image. This is a hard obstacle to overcome. You have two options to overcome this obstacle. One is to apply different characteristics that depends on the type of bully and the other one is different technics to help you overcome and helps you to remove from depression. The main toics of bullying types are Cyber bullying, Verbal bullying, Physical bullying and Relational bullying. Cyber bullying, involves orating someone by spreading mean words,  lies, and false rumors through e-mails, text messages, and social media posts. Sexist, racist, and homophobic messages create a hostile atmosphere to the person. Physical bullying, actually you would have an idea or know about physical bullying from the word “physical”. You can also have an idea of relational bullying. Relational bullying, involves intentionally preventing someone from joining or being part of a group, whether it’s at a lunch table, game, sport, or social activity.

Click here to watch an example of a bullied person.


One of the most common teenage obstacle is relationships and they are separated to two by relationships between our family and our friends.For example in our relationships between our family we can have some struggles about having a open communication or sharing things with our siblings or compound with them.These are so normal thing that can happen to everyone.To surmount these obstacles we need to think by 2 sides we also need to think how the other person thinks and always need to be patient.

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In the other hand it is hard to have a good relationship between our friends.

Controling Emotions

imageAnother challenge that we face in our teenage years is controling emotions.Because of going through puberty,our feelings and emotions get really mixed.And then we become demoralized but we need to know that feelings like stress,anxiety and sadness will never help us to overcome obstacles.For example,I had a Social Studies exam 1,5 years ago.I was too stressed and depressed about it?Whatever I had done I wasn’t able to feel good so it ended poorly.I couldn’t finish the exam,it was horrible.Afterwards,I was determined to find a way to solve it.I worked hard and found out that  breathing deeply helps you a lot when you are stressed or panicked.Also,self-confidence helps controling your emotions.When you believe in yourself you feel calm and happy.That’s what we need to feel when we face obstacles.I know it is hard to change our feelings but at least we need to try to find a solution for it.Self-confidence helps while stress and depression makes it worse.Being able to contol your emotions,leads you to success,it is the only way.Basically;


1.Self-confidence-work hard and always believe in yourself.

2.Determination-be determined,once you’ve decided something know to go on with it.

3.Breathing-Breathe very deeply because when we breathe more oxygen goes to our brain and our brain works more clearly.It is easier to remember when your brain is clear,vivid.

4.Wise-before you enter or undertake something,work and research for it,have a knowledge about it.

Hope these advices help you!













Main Topics

We face many obstacles in our lives.We would like to talk about them in our site and try to help you finding a way or characteristics to surmount obstacles.Our main points are:

  • Bullying
  • Relationships
  • Controling emotions(stress,anxiety,calmness etc.)

We hope our site demonstrates you the ways to overcome obstacles in our teenage years.


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Hi guys! This is a website for you to get help about common teenage obstacles. We are teenagers who have prepared this website as a project about teenage obstacles and how to surmount them. Hopefully our website will be a guide for you through your teenage years.